
I wrote this post in advance, so the Lord willing, I am toeing the line right now in the small iron mining town, Ishpeming, ready to conquer the Marquette Marathon. Ishpeming means “heaven” in Ojibwe. A fitting moment to ask you all a quick favor: Could you lift me up in prayer now plus anytime the thought crosses your mind over the next three to four hours? thank you 

A glimpse of my next few hours:

what I will be listening to | To the chagrin of the purists, I run with music. Loud music. I repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat…to the extent that one might question my sanity. Sometimes, I even sing. I am also a lyric junky. “But when my spirit is weak; You come to my aid; And strengthen my soul” [You’re Not Alone by Owl City]  “I’m running to the One who knows me; Who made every part of me in His hands; I’m holding to the One who holds me; ‘Cause I know whose I am, I know who I am; I am sure I am Yours. [Who I Am by Bianaca] My heart beating, my soul breathing; I found my life when I laid it down; Upward falling, spirit soaring; I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground. [Touch the Sky by Hillsong] Tonight I’m gonna fix my eyes; On the only Hope who satisfies my heart; You are the One I’m running to [The One I’m Running To by 7enenth Time Down] PhotoGrid_1472782626912

what I will be thinking about A LOT | If my estimations are correct I will look at my Garmin watch a total of 129 times, and I’m not exaggerating in the least. My goal is to average better than 8:30 per mile. This will be my sixth 26.2 and my third attempt at qualifying for the prestigious Boston Marathon. About a year ago, my heart was broken when my qualifying time (3:43:53) did not make an early cut-off due to an overwhelming number of registrations. I have already thought about what happens if I do not make it. I try to stay positive, but the fact is, I had a tough training season. I tore my calf in late June, which took me completely off the road for almost two full weeks. In the opinions of my health care providers, two weeks was not adequate time off. It probably would not surprise them that my parents described me as stubborn from infancy. Indeed I could try to qualify for Boston in the future. The challenge with another take, along with my aging, aching and failing forty-year-old body: Marathon training involves a significant commitment and sacrifice for not just me, but for my entire tribe.

truth | I’m nervous. I’m uneasy. Whatever happens today, I ran 26.2 miles. I ran a marathon. I ran my SIXTH marathon. Damn, if I do say so myself.

note | runner tracking |  Go to  Timing points will be at the start; at mile 6 of the marathon course, at mile 13.1; at mile 25; and at the finish line. Of course, there are no guarantees with these sort of things actually working.

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