
When I find a healthy recipe that my husband ENJOYS, it’s worth sharing. The recipe below makes about four servings. It fed our family of three with leftovers. But, honestly, at less than 200 kcalories and more than 25g of protein per serving, indulge. Bonus Points:  Kid approved. One pot. Less than 30 minutes. Eight ingredients. Vitamin-packed veggies! Winning!

All of your ingredients: just eight!

1 pound chicken, diced raw chicken. (Hack: Gloves + Kitchen Shears)
1 T. Sesame Oil
Saute until chicken is white.
Then add:
2 cloves crushed garlic
1/2 cup diced onions
14 ounces (1 bag) of slaw mix
3 T. soy sauce
1/2 t. freshly grated ginger
1 t. rice wine vinegar (or any other will do)
1/2 t. sriracha
Cover and cook for 5-10 minutes on low-medium heat.Flavors will meld and cabbage should be tender yet crisp. Enjoy with an extra dash of soy or sriracha if you wish!



Oh. My. Soul.
Life. Made.
Get one.
You need this.

And Here. A $100 promo code ( PV9QE7 ) for your accessories when you purchase YOUR Peloton bike.


I had been contemplating this purchase for a year. I loved Spin ® classes, but getting to the gym was proving more and more difficult while juggling multiple busy schedules. The bike comes with a hefty price tag, so naturally, I had some pre-purchase concerns. Here were my questions and what I learned. If you have other questions, please let me know in the comments.

How is the quality of the bike? Would it stand up to what I have come to expect at the gym? Short answer: Yes. This bike is solid. The pedals glide like butter. The resistance is responsive. Not a single complaint, my friends. I had also read some negative reviews about the delivery. It was seamless for me. I chose my delivery date and time during the check-out process. Two guys came and carried it right into my fitness room in the basement. It seemed that one had taken some technical training and gave me a quick rundown on the monitor. Because I live in the land of ice and snow, they suggested I wait for a few hours for the screen to come to room temperature before powering up. The anticipation killed me, but I finally turned it on and it was a breeze to figure out. Just have your wifi password, plus the bike activation code and Peloton profile password handy. (The latter two you will receive after your purchase.)

What sort of music do they play? Would the rides have cheap porn (bow-chick-bow-wow) ditties or computer-generated-techno-noise causing me to question my sanity? Fear not. The music is fabulous, with current hits mixed with legends like Pearl Jam. Most rides give you a sample of the artists or will label it “80’s Rock”, “Hip-Hop” “Groove Ride”, etc. You can even saddle up with country music. I know I know. I had you at Pearl Jam.

Will the instructors be kens and barbies I want to punch in the neck? Okay. That was harsh but you know what I’m getting at. I purposely mixed up the instructors I selected for the first month of riding. One of my favorites so far is Christine D’ercole. I love her rocker-chick meets life-coach demeanor. If their words of encouragement don’t do it for you, there are some very fit figures and physiques to which you can aspire. I did photograph some abs which I proceeded to send to a trainer at my gym with the text “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” When I started pelotoning, my six-year-old asked me why my stomach was “all bumpy.”

What sort of metrics does it provide? Well, it gives me everything I need to know and then some. Cadence, Resistance, Speed, Distance, Watts, Kilojoules, Calories and Heart Rate (with an ANT+ strap, sold separately). You can even connect your rides to Strava and some types of fitness trackers. It also has a leaderboard where you can move up and down based upon your output. You can turn it off if it’s not serving you, but I always smile in the face of friendly competition. I never had this much data from my gym class spin-style classes and knowing exactly what I am exerting has made my rides so much more effective.

The classes are live or on demand, so will this thing buffer? When I began my Peloton journey, I had just 4M. I would estimate that one out of five rides had buffering moments, and let me tell you that it pissed me off more than listening to a loud eater while stubbing my toe. Based on the growing number of internet connected devices and users in our home, the time was ripe to upgrade our internet. I upgraded our internet to 100mbps and never looked back. The stars were aligned: our provider offered the 100mbps service at our current rate for two years. Just to be safe, I added a wifi extender from Amazon in my fitness room and kept the password to myself.

Ready to ride? Follow me ShannonSweats. Enjoy this $100 discount code ( PV9QE7 ) for your accessories, like cycling shoes or a heart rate monitor. Everyone loves a coupon!

Do you have questions? Let me know in the comments. I will be glad to answer.