
Pinch me. I must be dreaming. In July, my boss came to me with a new project: plan a running event on the soon-to-open M231 Highway. Plan a run…for work? OKAY! Being a “co-race director” alongside Misty, a favorite running pal and office mate, has been spectacular. From picking out shirts to calculating porta-potty needs, it has been a riot.

We sent out an e-newsletter to all of our M23.1k run registrants last week. Misty suggested that we each include a note to share what running means to us. I did a lot of thinking and praying in the 24 hours that followed.

It is wonderful to run for PRs, BQs and age group awards, however, those worldly measures are not my primary motivation. It feels so much better to run for a greater purpose. Should I share this? What will people think of me?

I knew what I needed to do. God gave me an audience of 250+ people. He spoke into my heart and said, “If you are really running for Me, here’s your chance. Witness.” He kept bringing me to Colossians 3:23: 


So, I took a deep breath and spilled. This is what I wrote:

running to His arms

“Misty suggested that we each share in this first message why we run. Terrified, I tried to make something up, but my heart kept coming back to the truth. At the risk of over-sharing, here’s my story, in brief: *gulp. heart-pounding.* I spent my teens and early twenties with my head in the toilet, coupled with a diet of pickles and celery in-between binges. I was a bulimarexic, self-defeating mess. Physical activity is a crucial part of my life-long recovery, and for now, that activity is running. The difference between running and other forms of exercise I have tried is the sovereignty and deliverance. Lacing up and putting one foot in front of the other is when I fix my eyes on my Savior. He crushes those voices saying I am not worthy. It’s when I place all my fears and doubts in His hands. I began running from my past. Today I’m running toward Eternal Life.”


This January, like many other people, I considered a New Year’s Resolution. I made a mental list of all the ways I should change. Should I clean out some closets? Engage and energize my creative side? Update my blog regularly?!?! (Trust me. It was a much LONGER list than this!) As I thought through these and other options, I was reminded me of a note that I wrote to myself about nearly two years ago. I read it to my husband and we agreed, together, that it was our 2013 New Year’s Resolution beyond. I posted it upon my fridge and tacked it up on the cork board in my office. The mindset brings us so much peace and happiness.

“Focus on your own journey. Your journey is not better or worse than anyone else’s. It’s uniquely yours. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on the progress you have made. Look how far you have come, what you have learned, or how you have grown. This is the only yardstick (or timing chip!) you will ever need.”  ♥


I was recently asked to provide a biographical byline for the local paper.  I had to complete this [single, defining] sentence:  Shannon Felgner is…  Gulp.  Who AM I?

Shannon Felgner is…
A full-time professional-wife-mommy-homemaker;
An aspiring artist-crafter-decorator;
A recreational writer-runner-chef-gardener;
An enthuist of social media; and
An aficionada of goregous gift wrap.

Shannon Felgner is also…blessed beyond words.

Who are you?  What would your biographical byline say?

(Oh, and in the event that you were wondering what finally I penned:  Shannon Felgner is a communications professional for the County of Ottawa as well as wife, mother and author of



I have a confession to make.  I stole something from high school during 11th grade:  A Webster’s New World Thesaurus, copyright 1985.  The front cover had been inscribed with the name “Bylsma” using a red Sharpie.  I covered it with an Avery 5160 mailing label bearing my name, as if replacing my teacher’s name legitimized the change in ownership.  I am not sure why I took it.  Allow me to clarify.  I took it because I liked writing.  I am not sure why I stole it.  I have no doubt that my parents would have ‘splurged’ on a thesaurus had I asked for one.  (Well, my dad may have responded that dinosaurs were extinct, and instead offered a kitten.)  I was far too ‘cool’ to ask for one, perhaps.  This is my admission of guilt and public apology to Hudsonville High School English teacher, Mrs. Bylsma.  She was an amazing writing instructor.   She inspired me to steal a thesaurus.  What more could an English teacher ask for?

I still have the red reference book and employ it regularly.  If it offers any vindication, the well-loved book is in excellent condition.  Perhaps I should return it.

7 boredomBeaters

Is everyone else off enjoying a break between Christmas and New Year’s Day while you were forced to ‘hold down the fort’ in the office?  Does the thought of reading another Facebook status update such as, “Off til 2011!  WhooHoo!” leave you nauseated?  Conquer your boredom with this list of activities I have compiled (which cannot be tracked by your IT department!)

1.  Paint your nails with white-out.  Then, for a special touch, use Sharpies to add 2-0-1-1 or another festive feature.
2.  Clean out your pores with Scotch tape.  (Who needs Biore Pore Strips?)
3.  Choose your new wall color from your Pantone color deck.
4.  Create a floral corsage from toilet tissue.
5.  Learn origami!
6.  Create jewelry from paperclips.
7.  Use Scotch tape to ‘wax’ your brows. (Who knew it was so versatile?)

NOTE:  I would never DO these things…but compiling a list was fun!

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