wreath HowTo

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I have a disease: craftoholism. This is how it goes down: I meander through craft shows thinking…”I can make that.” Up for the challenge, I hit the shops to gather my supplies and get to work. I later find myself with enough supplies to make 17 of the nifty little objects. I get three finished…and, well, that’s enough of that.  As a result, I have banned myself from the hobby store. This is also why those ‘following’ me on Pinterest will be sorely disappointed.  (For now.)

This doesn’t kill the urge to create, however. Staring at my craft chest, I decided to throw together this little wreath with some scraps and leftover supplies. I was able to make both of these with notions I already had on hand! Here is the how to…

Wire-16 to 18 gauge-about 24 inches long. Burlap or Fabric Scraps. (Be creative: Old Jeans. Damaged Clothing. Any fabric will do.) Ribbon-about 18 inches long. Scissors. Wire Clippers. Needle Nose Pliers.
1. Cut a length of wire slightly longer than the circumference you desire for your finished wreath.
2. Cut your fabric or burlap into strips various lengths but similar in width. Launder the fabric strips to soften the edges of the fabric if desired. Iron if needed. No need to wash the burlap.
3. Thread the strips on to the wire as pictured. Complete until the wire form is full.

4.  Using your pliers, twist the wire ends together closing the wreath.  Tie your ribbon over the twisted wire.  This ribbon is how you will hang your wreath.

5. Fluff your fabric and distribute it evenly along your wire form until it looks like the wreath above. You’re done!

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