
I was recently asked to provide a biographical byline for the local paper.  I had to complete this [single, defining] sentence:  Shannon Felgner is…  Gulp.  Who AM I?

Shannon Felgner is…
A full-time professional-wife-mommy-homemaker;
An aspiring artist-crafter-decorator;
A recreational writer-runner-chef-gardener;
An enthuist of social media; and
An aficionada of goregous gift wrap.

Shannon Felgner is also…blessed beyond words.

Who are you?  What would your biographical byline say?

(Oh, and in the event that you were wondering what finally I penned:  Shannon Felgner is a communications professional for the County of Ottawa as well as wife, mother and author of

2 thoughts on “definingMe

  1. Shannon Felgner is an inspiration, a mentor to many, an involved and loving mother, a thoughtful and one of a kind wife, a friend anyone would be blessed to have, insanely creative, beautiful, and loved very much. That is only the tip of the iceberg that is Shannon!


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